Jak správně zažalovat škodu způsobenou zaměstnancem  při plnění jeho pracovních povinností

Jak správně zažalovat škodu způsobenou zaměstnancem při plnění jeho pracovních povinností

Výše uvedeným se zabýval Nejvyšší soud ve svém rozsudku ze dne 26.10.2021, sp. zn. 25 Cdo 1029/2021, a to zejména v souvislosti s novou právní úpravou obsaženou v zákoně č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „o. z.“).

Czech General Election 2021

Czech General Election 2021

The Czech general election in early October and their impacts have brought many moments of surprise. First of all, incumbent Prime Minister Andrej Babis’ ruling party was defeated by two centre-right coalitions of 5 parties. The most extreme populists and the communists have not made it into the Parliament, while liberal parties received a clear majority in the House. Overall, the outcome of the vote is widely considered as a victory for liberal democracy in the Czech Republic.

CNB Interest Hike to Combat Strong Inflation

CNB Interest Hike to Combat Strong Inflation

In early October, the Czech National Bank (CNB) took an action the market had not seen for more than two decades: the CNB raised its reference rate by 75 basis points taking the two-week repo rate to 1.50 %. The unexpected move was driven by higher-than-expected inflation data. The annual inflation rate based on index of consumer prices reached 4.1 % in August, being the highest since 2008.

The New Building Act Promises a Better Tomorrow

The New Building Act Promises a Better Tomorrow

Despite many obstacles during the legislative process, a completely new Building Act was adopted in July 2021 by the Czech Parliament, entering into force (with a few exceptions) on July 1, 2023. Its main goal is to accelerate and make the building permitting process more efficient.

Supreme Court Puts the Articles of Association Under Threat

Supreme Court Puts the Articles of Association Under Threat

Do your company’s articles of association include a general specification of its object of business “Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act”? Do they lack a precise specification of the activities? In this case, an amendment to the articles of association is highly recommended.

Joint Ownership of Spouses: Always 50-50?

Joint Ownership of Spouses: Always 50-50?

A marriage establishes new rights and duties between the spouses. It doesn’t change everything, but for example a new property regime is established once the marriage is formed.

Ultimate Beneficial Owners in the Czech Republic  and Practical Experience of Registering

Ultimate Beneficial Owners in the Czech Republic and Practical Experience of Registering

The new legislation concerning the register of ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) became a major topic this year. The main reason were new sanctions associated with the non-registration of the UBO.

New Act on Protection of Competition

New Act on Protection of Competition

The new Act on Protection of Competition brings many important changes that everyone doing business in Slovakia should be aware of.

Slovak Legal Newsflash

Slovak Legal Newsflash

The employers complain on a long term basis that the Labour Code is outdated, not flexible and does not meet the current demands of society. The amendment to the Labour Code introduces a new reason allowing the employer to terminate the employment relationship with a particular employee.

Team News: Newcomers

Team News: Newcomers

Giese & Partner is pleased to introduce to you new members of our Prague and Bratislava teams, Dagmar Junková and Veronika Kvašňovská.

Jak správně ukončit pracovní poměr vrcholových vedoucích zaměstnanců

Jak správně ukončit pracovní poměr vrcholových vedoucích zaměstnanců

S vrcholovými vedoucími zaměstnanci je možné dohodnout možnost odvolání z vedoucího pracovního místa za předpokladu, že bude zároveň dohodnuto, že se vrcholový vedoucí zaměstnanec může tohoto místa vzdát.

Kdy se stane zaměstnanec skutečně nadbytečným?

Kdy se stane zaměstnanec skutečně nadbytečným?

Rozvázání pracovního poměru výpovědí z organizačních důvodů je jednáním z nejčastějších důvodů jednostranného skončení pracovního poměru ze strany zaměstnavatele.

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