Webinar: Verschärfte Vorschriften im Bereich Geldwäsche

Webinar: Verschärfte Vorschriften im Bereich Geldwäsche

Martin Holler wird am 20.11.2024 über die Umsetzung der europäischen Geldwäscherichtlinie in Tschechien und die Folgen bei Nichtbeachtung referieren.

Energy Efficiency Conference 2024 in Prague

Energy Efficiency Conference 2024 in Prague

„Legal reform to advance the decarbonisation of the building and heating sectors” will be the main topic of the AEEC (Association of European Energy and Climate Lawyers) Autumn Conference 2024 which is going to take place on November 14, 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Much more than just a Few Words - 35 Years of Genscher Balcony

Much more than just a Few Words - 35 Years of Genscher Balcony

On 30 September 1989, the German Foreign Minister at the time, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, stepped onto the balcony of the German embassy. He addressed around four thousand East German refugees who had been waiting in the embassy garden for weeks in the hope of freedom.

New Digital Economy Act

New Digital Economy Act

The article introduces the new Digital Economy Act that aims to protect internet users, regulate data sharing, combat illegal online content, and ensure fair competition in the digital marketplace. The Act is seen as a significant step toward preparing the country for the digital era, with future expansions anticipated as new EU regulations emerge.

Cybersecurity Shake-Up: Is Your Company Ready for the New Rules?

Cybersecurity Shake-Up: Is Your Company Ready for the New Rules?

This article explores the key aspects of the upcoming Czech cybersecurity law, focusing on obligations for private companies, including compliance requirements, stricter incident reporting, supply chain security measures, penalties for non-compliance, and how corporate leaders should proactively prepare for the 2025 implementation to avoid operational disruptions and legal risks.

Collective Actions: An Opportunity for Consumers

Collective Actions: An Opportunity for Consumers

New Act on Collective Civil Proceedings brings a significant change in the field of enforcement of the rights of consumers and small business entities, enabling more efficient discussion and decision-making of disputes on a large scale. Newly introduced collective actions will enable similar claims to be combined into one proceeding, thereby increasing the chances of successful law enforcement and reducing the financial costs of injured persons.

Game Over for Parasitic Tenants?

Game Over for Parasitic Tenants?

Newly proposed amendment to the Civil Procedure Code seeks the introduction of a new type of a court decision – the eviction order. It shall protect landlords against tenants who do not respect the termination of their leases and further stay in the leased premises. The eviction order shall provide a smoother and faster procedure of eviction with respect to the flats and houses.

Good News for Employers: New Rules for Non-Compete Clauses

Good News for Employers: New Rules for Non-Compete Clauses

Due to the new attitude of the Czech courts towards the possibility of an employer to withdraw from a non-compete clause even without giving any reason or for any reason, employers are more flexible when terminating a non-compete clause and thus legal certainty is increased. However, care should continue to be taken to ensure that the terms and conditions of the non-compete clause are properly drafted, particularly with respect to the employer's ability to withdraw from the non-compete clause.

Employment to Become More Flexible

Employment to Become More Flexible

The Czech Government approved a draft of so called “flexible” amendment to the Czech Labour Code that has been prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs whereas the main goal of this amendment is to increase the flexibility of the labour relationships.

Don’t Forget to Register in the RPVS!

Don’t Forget to Register in the RPVS!

Any company or individual interested in participating in projects funded by public resources in the Slovak Republic should carefully check whether they are required to register in RPVS. This registration is often imperative to avoid severe sanctions.

New Consumer Protection Act Update Your Terms and Conditions

New Consumer Protection Act Update Your Terms and Conditions

As of July 1, 2024, significant changes in consumer protection have taken effect with the introduction of the new Consumer Protection Act. The new consumer legislation enhances consumer protection and brings several benefits to companies.

New Rules for Mergers

New Rules for Mergers

As a result of the change of Act on Transformations a new form of company demerger has been introduced (division by separation), the requirement for court appointed expert appraiser as well as rules for valuation of assets have been relaxed and the cross-border transformations streamlined.

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