23. 10. 2024
Employment to Become More Flexible
The government approved an amendment to the existing rules to increase flexibility of labour relationships. Now, the draft needs to be confirmed by the Parliament.
Termination of the employment should be made easier. The start of the termination notice period would be newly defined as date of delivery of the termination notice. The termination periods connected with a breach of work discipline or in cases when an employee does not meet the prerequisites/requirements for performance of the agreed work would be shortened.
Employees who return to work from parental leave before their child turns two years, would be guaranteed the same work position at the same work place. In addition, work and family life balance should be supported by the fact that parents on a parental leave would be allowed to perform their work by the same employer based on an agreement to complete a job (DPP) or an agreement to perform work (DPČ).
There are also other interesting adjustments, such as a prolongation of the maximum length of the probationary period.
It will be interesting to follow what changes of the Labour Code will be made by the parliament. We will of course keep you updated.
By Mgr. Bc. Jaroslava Novotná
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