15. 2. 2023

The Button Amendment

E-shops are facing new rules for consumer protection based on the European legislation generally known as the “Button Amendment”.

Rather revolutionary changes from the consumers’ as well as e-shop providers’ point of view relate to:

  • Discounts;

  • Purchase buttons;

  • Online marketplaces;

  • Customers’ review;

  • Manuals.

Discounts shall be more transparent as regards their presentation. The well-known practice of price setting, where the seller first raised the purchase price and then announced a significant discount from this higher price as part of a Black Friday sale etc., are over. Sellers now have to provide information on the lowest purchase price within the last 30 days.

Purchase buttons as we know them shall be adjusted. Newly, it has to expressly state and indicate to the customer that the click means confirmation of the order and commitment to pay the purchase price. Otherwise, the order is invalid.

Online marketplaces also encounter new obligations that shall bring higher protection and comfort for the customers. The providers now have to inform about the main parameters for ranking of the offers to avoid hidden influence of paid advertising. Further, providers have to make clear whether the seller is a private person or an entrepreneur. This enables buyers to properly exercise their rights, which are much stronger in case of a commercial seller.

Very popular customers’ reviews also undergo changes regarding transparency and reliability. E-shop providers shall ensure that the customers’ reviews published on the e-shop actually come from customers who have really purchased the respective product or service. Fake, paid or otherwise false reviews shall be eliminated. The providers may not delete negative reviews.

Product manuals remain part of the supply to the customer. However, it is newly possible to omit the paper form. Manuals must be provided on a permanent data carrier as CD-ROM, flash disc or via email. The customer shall be entitled to ask for the paper version of the manual, but only in limited and reasonable cases. Be aware that a manual accessible as download from a web page is not sufficient. The above mentioned is only a part of a huge package of new regulations. Others include, for example, changes to the business terms and conditions, complaints procedure or time limits for the delivery of goods.

By Mgr. Ing. Jan Valíček


G&P Newsletter 1/2023 (PDF)


Mgr. Ing. Jan Valíček

Mgr. Ing. Jan Valíček

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