25. 1. 2021

Labour Law Changes in 2021

The Czech Labour Code has been amended substantially. Here are the most important novelties.  

Job Sharing

Czech lawmakers finally reacted to a trend which has gradually spread worldwide since 1980s.

The idea is to allow two or more employees with the same job description to share a job. In other words, two or more people on a part-time or reduced-time basis do, what is normally done by one person working full-time.

The goal is to promote flexibility in the workplace and to achieve a more favourable work/life balance. The concept is especially beneficial to certain groups of employees such as single parents, employees on parental leave, persons with disabilities, etc.

The job sharers rotate on the position, so that the workplace is always occupied by one of them during the assigned working hours. The job sharers my split the working hours among themselves as long as the combined hours cover the required working hours. The working schedule must ensure that each of the job sharers meets the working hours under their respective contract over a period of four weeks.

Job sharing is subject to an agreement in writing between the employer and all employees who will share the job. The agreement shall provide for details such as scheduling of the working hours, notifications, terms of representing a job sharer by the other(s) etc.      

The agreement on job sharing may be terminated upon mutual agreement or by 15 days’ notice by any party.

Calculation of Annual Leave

The rules for calculation of annual leave have been significantly altered. The major shift relates to a calculation of leave: the former concept based on “days” is replaced by a new method based on “hours”. Though many technicalities may only be important to payroll processors and HR staff, certain aspects are rather important: First, annual leave may be reduced for unexcused absence only by the exact number of hours of such absence (previously, a reduction of up to three days of leave was permissible for unexcused absence). Second, any part of unused annual leave may be transferred to the next year based on the employee’s request. This is nevertheless limited to the part exceeding the minimum statutory extent of four weeks.

Extra Paid Leave

Employees who participate as camp leaders, educators, caretakers or instructors in activities for children and youngsters are allowed up to three weeks of unpaid leave for taking part in those activities. However, one of those three weeks shall be provided by the employer as paid leave (limited by the amount of average salary) as long as the event is organised by a legal entity, which has been registered in a public register at least for five years with activities for children and youngsters as its main registered scope of activity. The employer may apply for reimbursement of the costs of the paid leave with the district welfare office so it is up to the public coffers to ultimately settle the bill.

By Mgr. Radek Werich


G&P Newsletter 1/2021 (PDF)


Mgr. Radek Werich LL.M.

Mgr. Radek Werich LL.M.

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