A Costly Mistake by the Tax Office

A Costly Mistake by the Tax Office

The Czech tax administration overcharged a large number of tax pages. This can be concluded from a recent ruling by the Supreme Administrative Court, which struck down a malpractice of the Czech tax administration. According to the court, the tax administration miscalculated the (default) interest on taxes owed.

Social Media Regulation: YouTube and Co.

Social Media Regulation: YouTube and Co.

YouTube-type video sharing services should be subject to stricter regulation. This is the goal of the European Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The Czech Republic was obliged to transpose this directive into Czech law by September 19, 2020.

Digitalization of Corporate Law

Digitalization of Corporate Law

The Czech government proposes amendments to the Act on Business Corporations concerning the use of digital instruments and procedures in corporate law.

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 2

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 2

Das BGB geht nun davon aus, dass die Befestigung die Geltendmachung der beanspruchten Leistung durch den Gläubiger durch Festigung seiner Position im Vollstreckungsverfahren vereinfacht.

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 1

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 1

Das tschechische Rechtssystem hat aufgrund der Neufassung des Zivilrechts vom 1.1.2014 einen grundlegenden Wandel erfahren, welcher auch das früher geltende Vertragsrecht in seinen Grundzügen verändert hat.

Priorities of the New Czech Government

Priorities of the New Czech Government

A new pro-western government comprised of a centre-right coalition of 5 parties was sworn in shortly before Christmas in Czechia.

Salary Rates in the Czech Republic in 2022

Salary Rates in the Czech Republic in 2022

Legislation regarding wages is usually amended at the beginning of the new year. Since 2015 the minimum wage has been regularly increased every year. 2022 is no exception. Below is a basic overview of the minimum, guaranteed and average salary rates for 2022.

The Virtual Notary

The Virtual Notary

An important amendment to the Act on Notaries and their Work Activities (Notarial Procedures) entered into force. It aims at digitalization of notarial activities and protection against fraud relating to verification of signatures or notary deeds.

Less Aggressive Electronic Communication

Less Aggressive Electronic Communication

The latest amendment to the Czech Electronic Communications Act supports the construction of high-speed internet networks and introduces important rules to better protect consumers.

AirBnB (Almost) Unchained

AirBnB (Almost) Unchained

The High Court in Prague found in its recent ruling that the Community of Unit Owners (CUO) cannot restrict apartment owners who choose to rent out their apartments for short-term rentals, for example through the Airbnb platform. It upheld the apartment owner's appeal against the decision of the Municipal Court in Prague, which had ruled in favour of the CUO.

Jak správně zažalovat škodu způsobenou zaměstnancem  při plnění jeho pracovních povinností

Jak správně zažalovat škodu způsobenou zaměstnancem při plnění jeho pracovních povinností

Výše uvedeným se zabýval Nejvyšší soud ve svém rozsudku ze dne 26.10.2021, sp. zn. 25 Cdo 1029/2021, a to zejména v souvislosti s novou právní úpravou obsaženou v zákoně č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „o. z.“).

Czech General Election 2021

Czech General Election 2021

The Czech general election in early October and their impacts have brought many moments of surprise. First of all, incumbent Prime Minister Andrej Babis’ ruling party was defeated by two centre-right coalitions of 5 parties. The most extreme populists and the communists have not made it into the Parliament, while liberal parties received a clear majority in the House. Overall, the outcome of the vote is widely considered as a victory for liberal democracy in the Czech Republic.

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