Who Pays the Bill for Anti-Covid Measures?

Who Pays the Bill for Anti-Covid Measures?

The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic opens the way for those who have been damaged by measures during the pandemic to claim compensation from the state.

The Future of the Constitutional Court Depends on the Past of Its Judges

The Future of the Constitutional Court Depends on the Past of Its Judges

Newly elected President Peter Pavel faces both a major challenge and a unique opportunity to shape on important part of the legal system.

Whistle-Blowers’ Protection – Is Your Company Prepared?

Whistle-Blowers’ Protection – Is Your Company Prepared?

The Czech Republic has finally joined most other EU countries and fulfilled its obligation to implement an EU directive on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law (also known as whistle-blowers) into the Czech legal system.

Changes in the Czech Labour Code

Changes in the Czech Labour Code

After a long period of preparation and discussion, the Labour Code has finally been amended. We bring you the most important changes that employers have to apply from 1 October 2023.

Charges for Early Mortgage Repayment Unlawful

Charges for Early Mortgage Repayment Unlawful

This is what the Prague Municipal Court, acting as an appellate court found with final legal force (The reimbursement of interest costs charged by a bank for early repayment of a mortgage was illegal and constituted unjust enrichment).

Attorney Escrows – New Rules

Attorney Escrows – New Rules

In certain projects such as, real estate transactions it can be in the best interests of clients to use an escrow mechanism. There are different types of escrows, whereas an attorney escrow is one of them.

Act on Preventive Restructuring Finally There!!!

Act on Preventive Restructuring Finally There!!!

The all new act on preventive restructuring allows an entrepreneur (a legal person) to conclude an agreement with its creditors (all or some of them) in the form of a restructuring plan on how to resolve its financial difficulties.

Public Auctions in a New Guise

Public Auctions in a New Guise

Since the current act is already outdated half of all auctions are conducted without any rules at all, as the statistics show. But now after more than 20 years of effectiveness of the current legislation, a new act on public auctions has been adopted, which shall enter into force in January 2025.

Green Light for Renewable Energy in Slovakia

Green Light for Renewable Energy in Slovakia

The production of green energy in Slovakia is steadily growing and keeping pace with other European countries. This provides investors with more opportunities. The new target for 2030 of 42.5 % has recently been approved.

Martin Holler as Session Co-Chair at the IBA Annual Conference in Paris 2023

Martin Holler as Session Co-Chair at the IBA Annual Conference in Paris 2023

On 2 November 2023, Martin Holler, partner at Giese & Partner will co-chair this session at the International Bar Association’s Annual Conference in Paris.

G&P Photo Contest 2023

G&P Photo Contest 2023

Giese & Partner has announced a photo contest among its team members this year focusing on "Patterns".

IFLR 1000 Rankings 2023: Giese & Partner Recommended Law Firm in the Czech Republic

IFLR 1000 Rankings 2023: Giese & Partner Recommended Law Firm in the Czech Republic

Giese & Partner Prague is pleased to announce that it has continued to be ranked by IFLR 1000 (Rankings 2023) as recommended law firm in Banking and Finance and as notable law firm in M&A, and Insolvency and Restructuring in the Czech Republic.

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