Costs Reimbursement for Remote Work
The new decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs setting the new amount of the lump sum for costs reimbursement in case of the work from home is in effect since January 1, 2024.
Hiring and Firing Electronically
The Labour Code aimed to modernise the procedure for concluding labour law documents. In this article, we focus on the conditions for both valid conclusion of contracts and agreements and valid delivery.
How to Protect Whistle-Blowers
Act on the Protection of Whistle-blowers brings further interpretation questions. How to implement the solutions on the group level? There are two options how to achieve this goal – sharing and outsourcing.
Full House - Constitutional Court Finally Complete
President of the Czech Republic has major role on composition of the Constitutional Court.
Real Estate Tax Changes
An overview of the most important changes of the Real Estate Tax Act as of January 1, 2024. It will answer questions about a tax rate increase, tax exemptions and the need to file your property tax return.
Business Transformation Made Easier
The article analyses the newly adopted Act on Conversions of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives which i.a. creates new legal definitions in the field of conversions, mergers and divisions and brings more transparency for shareholders.
Financial Assistance is Now Legal
With effect from 1 March 2024, the provision of financial assistance by joint stock companies is permitted.
IBA Conference in Lisbon – Martin Holler as Co-Moderator
Martin Holler will co-chair this session at the International Bar Association’s 14th Annual Real Estate Investments Conference in Lisbon on 10–12 April 2024.
UIA Seminar in Prague – Dr. Ernst Giese as Member of the Organizing Committee and Martin Holler as Speaker
The UIA seminar in Prague on 18-19 April 2024 will analyse how to estimate, prevent and manage the parties “exposure” to damages in international commercial contracts.
Who Pays the Bill for Anti-Covid Measures?
The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic opens the way for those who have been damaged by measures during the pandemic to claim compensation from the state.
The Future of the Constitutional Court Depends on the Past of Its Judges
Newly elected President Peter Pavel faces both a major challenge and a unique opportunity to shape on important part of the legal system.
Whistle-Blowers’ Protection – Is Your Company Prepared?
The Czech Republic has finally joined most other EU countries and fulfilled its obligation to implement an EU directive on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law (also known as whistle-blowers) into the Czech legal system.