Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 4

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 4

Das neue BGB enthält die Unterscheidung zwischen dem Mietvertrag und dem Pachtvertrag. Neben diesen Vertragstypen werden auch die Bittleihe und Leihvertrag, Lizenzvertrag, Darlehens- und Kreditvertrag als Art und Weise einer solcher Überlassung geregelt.

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 3

Vertragsrecht in der Tschechischen Republik – Teil 3

Letztendlich ist im Zusammenhang mit dem Erlöschen der Verpflichtung bzw. der eventuellen Durchsetzbarkeit des Rechts die Präklusion bzw. die Verjährung zu erwähnen. Die allgemeinen Bestimmungen zur Verjährung und Präklusion befinden sich in §§ 609 ff. BGB. Ein Recht, dass nicht innerhalb der Verjährungsfrist geltend gemacht wird, gilt als verjährt, sodass der Schuldner nicht zur Leistung verpflichtet ist.

Mají místní sportovní oddíly právní nárok na členství v národním sportovním svazu?

Mají místní sportovní oddíly právní nárok na členství v národním sportovním svazu?

V České republice existuje celá řada národních sportovních svazů, které mimo jiné vytvářejí podmínky pro rozvoj příslušného sportu, organizují celonárodní a jiné soutěže, řídí přípravu národní reprezentace a zajišťují financování a podporu jednotlivým oddílům věnujícím se danému sportu na místní úrovni.

Sberbank CZ is About to Vanish

Sberbank CZ is About to Vanish

Only a few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting European sanctions on Russian banks, the Czech subsidiary of Sberbank collapsed. The Czech National Bank revoked its banking license and Sberbank CZ entered into liquidation.

Czech National Bank: Change at Helm

Czech National Bank: Change at Helm

Will the change in the governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) have an impact on its current policy? This is a question the markets have asked themselves since the surprising appointment of a new head of the CNB by president Miloš Zeman.

Russian Oil Embargo Fuels Disputes in Slovakia

Russian Oil Embargo Fuels Disputes in Slovakia

The invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops sparked countless responses in order to help Ukraine and limit funding of the Russian economy and hustle war. Oil represents one of the greatest incomes of Russia’s state budget.

Home Office and Meal Vouchers

Home Office and Meal Vouchers

Although home office existed before, only mandated lockdowns during the Covid pandemic made it popular. Employers have found that working from home works well and home office is now a very popular benefit in the Czech Republic.

A Costly Mistake by the Tax Office

A Costly Mistake by the Tax Office

The Czech tax administration overcharged a large number of tax pages. This can be concluded from a recent ruling by the Supreme Administrative Court, which struck down a malpractice of the Czech tax administration. According to the court, the tax administration miscalculated the (default) interest on taxes owed.

Social Media Regulation: YouTube and Co.

Social Media Regulation: YouTube and Co.

YouTube-type video sharing services should be subject to stricter regulation. This is the goal of the European Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The Czech Republic was obliged to transpose this directive into Czech law by September 19, 2020.

Digitalization of Corporate Law

Digitalization of Corporate Law

The Czech government proposes amendments to the Act on Business Corporations concerning the use of digital instruments and procedures in corporate law.

Price Regulation as Response to Energy Crisis in Slovakia?

Price Regulation as Response to Energy Crisis in Slovakia?

Energy markets are constantly facing unpredictable challenges. A long lasting Covid-19 pandemic, significant inflation at the beginning of 2022 and the military aggression by Russia against Ukraine resulted in an extremely adverse situation on the European market with energy commodities.

Preventing Insolvency in Slovakia

Preventing Insolvency in Slovakia

Slovakia has adopted a new regulation which shall help companies that have run into financial difficulties. Statistics indicate that up to 65 % of the companies which declared bankruptcy, had been having financial problems for a time period of three years prior to declaring bankruptcy.

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